Thursday, March 31, 2011

What If It Was All A Big Fat Lie?

The beginning of every year you see an increase in sales for gym memberships and the latest diets.  And now that spring is in the air many of you are thinking about summer and the dreaded swimsuit season. With goals in mind, we pursue the latest diet or exercise fad in attempt to lose ten pounds or fit into that dress again, etc. Ultimately, diets do not work over the long-term nor do they support true wellness.

Think about it.  Of course you're going to lose weight if you starve yourself for three months or cut out carbohydrates but such actions are not sustainable over a lifetime. 

First and foremost, it's important to consider the reasons for lifestyle changes. Please take a moment to review the the benefits of exercise listed at the end of this article. Healthy lifestyles also include dietary changes. 

Did you know that dietary changes account for 70-80% of the lean muscles in professional body builders? 

Now, I know most of you don't want to be a professional body builder, but we do want to see the muscle tone we've built, right? That means you also have to incorporate dietary changes as well to reap the benefits. 

Let's talk and get real about dietary changes. I know we can be bombarded with advertisements so I am going to give some great tips for healthy eating and squash some key misconceptions about dieting. 

Low fat products will help you lose weight. Wrong. Let's think back about when this belief was popularized. Since then, we've had a surge of low fat products; however, people have become more and more obese. Why is that? Because when the manufacturer takes the fat out of a product it tastes horrible so they often compensate for this by adding sugar. If you pay close attention to the labels, low fat products have more sugar than the whole fat products. More importantly, your body needs fat. Your brain is 60% fat. When a product has fat (mono and polyunsaturated fats, in particular) it is more satisfying to the body, which ultimately decreases your appetite and sugar cravings. So fat is important.

Avoid food like substances. Ultimately, eat real food (not processed food). If it rots, it's real food. Of course, we know to eat more fruits and vegetables because they provide vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants keeping us young and full of energy. We've also all heard the benefit of these foods preventing heart disease, reducing risk of cancer, etc. Many weight loss programs preach counting calories to lose weight. I disagree with this approach. Mainly because many of the "allowed" foods are still terrible for your health. These programs help many who have proportion control issues but many of the allowed foods have little nutrients. When you eat processed foods you still feel hungry because you are starving your brain and body from the nutrients needed to survive. If you never eat real food, it will be impossible to maintain weight and achieve optimal health. 

Health = Nutrient/Calorie

So remember when you choose foods choose real food that has the most bang for the buck. Of course, an apple has more nutrients than a granola bar. Real food not only has the nutrients but also the fiber to keep you full longer.

Now I know many people get discouraged about maintaining a healthy diet because we see others who look healthy and thin while eating food like substances. But don't be fooled by thin people who don't eat real food.  While they may appear thin on the outside, they may have other risks like internal fat surrounding their vitals organs, which many doctors are finding more dangerous than external fat.  

Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly is the best health insurance. 

Eat for Health by Dr. Joel Fuhrman
In the Defense of Food by Michael Pollan

Aerobic Exercise
Improved Cardiac Function
Weight Loss
Improved Mental Health (less stress & anxiety)
Better Immune Function
Reduces Diseases
Lowers Blood Pressure
Increases HDLs (the good cholesterol)
Better Sleep
Improves Glucose Metabolism (reduce insulin resistance) 
Increases Longevity 
Weight Resistance
Improves Posture
Reduces Body Fat
Improves Balance & Coordination
Prevents Osteoporosis
Increases Muscle Tone & Endurance
Increases Metabolism

Exercise can slow the aging process and improve the quality & quantity of your life. 

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